Bits and Bytes from random blocks

Humiliation is the best way to learn

Jul 2024


I am writing this while I’m travelling back to Bengaluru after spending a week at my home to get certificates and ...
Jun 2024

Feeling powerful with FFmpeg and Imagemagick

Introduction Recently, I took the task of writing the user documentation for the FOSS United Dashboard. It’s an ev...
Jun 2024

Retrospective on 3 years of Diploma College

Not that average blog that says 'Ohh yeah! I had so much fun with my friends I tell you'
May 2024

Showing a good Flashback

Recently, folks from OSM Delhi suggested we move to a complete FOSS Suite and we should be getting away from the Google...
Apr 2024

My First Flight

As always, it all starts with adventures and problems, and in a way that I can later laugh at. This was a similar way. I...